Why is it whenever we really want to do something, like say post a blog, somehow stuff keeps happening to prevent it? Life for instance, I have wanted to post so many things in the last few weeks, but obviously that has not happened. But such is life I guess. I will just have to keep trying.
We just finished one term here at the SDA Institute in South Korea. After a 2 day break we started the new term today. Each term is 2 months, or 36 class days. This term my schedule is a little better. Well, I don't know that getting up at 5am is better for the night owl in me, but we learn to deal right? That means that I teach at 6 am, 7am, 9am, then have a break from 10am to 3pm. In the afternoon we have Juniors (kids of all ages, including teenagers). I teach for another 3 hours in row, then a one hour break and my last class is at 7pm. So my day officially ends at 8pm! I have had split schedules before, but this has to be the most challenging. But it is also fun.
I am starting to really enjoy it, and I love the Korean people. Friends are also starting to appear. I have a really wonderful roommate, who is from California and we get along really well. Also, one of the Korean Junior teachers and I have been hanging out quite a bit these last couple of weeks so that has been nice as well.
I would love to write more, but I must get to bed. Here are a few pictures from the other day when I went to Seoul National Cemetery. It is mostly graves from soldiers who died during the Korean war, and some during fighting for freedom from Japan. There are also 2 former presidents buried there as well. And it just happened to be a good place to see some fall colors as well!

Hey Cheris! Thanks for your comment on my blog. Sadly, I somehow posted it before I had actually finished writing it. You can go back now and finish reading it, if you wish!
How cool! I didn't know that Korea got gorgeous fall colors too. Paul and I are praying for you with new extra-busy schedule. Happy Sabbath!
thanks for keeping us posted. lovely photos.
Congratulation with your blog. Great photos as well. I agree with Petra. Beautiful fall colors!
Hey Cheris!
Awesome pictures! I hope that next semester will be a lot more relaxing. Just remember to keep looking up, because Jesus will give rest for the weary. :). I'm praying for you girl!
Thanks guys for the support! I hope it's ok if I put links to your blogs on mine. I always enjoy them. Let me know if you would rather I didn't.
link us up!
(Petra would tell me to add "please" to the above)
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