First we were at this gate by the market, where there are guards dressed like during the Josan Dynasty, when they would actually guard the gates to palaces and such. We posed with them, but it felt so weird!

Then we made our way down towards city hall, where there is another palace. We got there just before 2pm and they were making an announcement that the changing of the guard ceremony was about to take place. So one of the Koreans who was with us, Michael, bought tickets, but then we found out it was right there at the gate and we did not need them!
It was really cool, they did the whole replica of how it was done back in the day. It actually was pretty long process with a procession and secrect handshake (or more like secret actions) and everything! Afterward they had some free costumes to put on and take pictures in. And we took pictures with the guard again. The two Korean girls we were with were so excited. This was the first time they had done anything like this, or seen it. So it was fun all the way around. Everyone got to see something that we had not seen before.

If you want to see more pics check out my Ringo page.
Just a couple of other random things I have noticed about Korea. In general, it is very hard to be vegetarian when going out to eat. That being said, I could never eat meat. My body is just not used to it, after not eating meat for what, my whole life. So needless to say, I avoid eating out as much as possible. there are places where I can find some things to eat, but buffets are probably the worst for vegetarians here.
Another thing they like to make here is "toast". Actually it is an egg sandwich that can be made several different ways. There is the veggies one, that has eggs, raw cabbage and sweet pickles. I actually like it. Depending on what shop, they may also garnish it with sugar or ketchup, or even both! I have not tried it with sugar, but the ketchup does add a nice touch.
Sweet pickles are about the only thing you can find here. They apparently don't believe in dill! Such a hard thing for me, as I really dislike sweet and love dill!! Ah, such is life. (They even eat sweet pickles with their pizza!)
Anyway, just a couple things about daily life here in Korea. Keep looking up!
I like dill better too
Me too:-)
Thanks for the update. Reading your blog is always a pleasure.
Cool blog girl! I was just looking at your blog since my computer is up and running again (lots of problems during finals week and such). Wow, those guards certainly have the regalia! You guys look great!
Have great day! :)
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