Due to a reminder from a good friend, I decided that I should put a little note up here at the very least. Teaching in South Korea is so busy, and when I have free time I just want to vegetate. However, that means I often fall behind in communicating with all my wonderful friends that I have all over the world. I love my friends and miss all of them very much. And while I may not be updating like I should and sending out pictures, I do honestly think about my friends everyday.
Anyway, things are going well here in Seoul. I got moved to another institute within Seoul at the end of 2007. It is a little bigger, but I am really enjoying it. The students are really nice. Oh, and the area is considered the "Bel Air" of Seoul, meaning that it is the most expensive and rich area. Which means that we actually have to live in a smaller apartment! But I am okay with it. These days I am hardly home except to sleep anyway. I am teaching 8 hours this term, starting at 6:30am and ending at 7pm. So I have a few hours break in the middle of the day, which in this business is essential.
Sharing Jesus is not the most easy thing I have come to find. It is almost like being in the USA. Most everyone has everything that they think they need, so recognizing their need for God is not so stark. But I am making friends with some of my students and sharing in little ways how I live my life because of God. And there is also religion class that I teach. I would appreciate your prayers! Thank you!
Not much actually has been going on other than teaching. Christmas was a total fiasco, but more about that another time. They did have a Vincent Van Gogh exhibit at the Art museum for the last few months. It was actually a large portion of his work and I went to go and see it with another foreign teacher friend of mine. It was really neat to see the real thing up close. However, it does not rival being in God's artwork, nature. And I have seen way too LITTLE of it! Living in the city is probably the hardest challenge that I have right now, I get tired of walking around the little parks with a few trees. And walking on the streets with all the pollution? Forget it! Oh, to be back in Norway with all the fresh clean air and the mountains to go hiking in! Or even home in Arkansas, after all, my parents now live on the lake, outside of town. But enough of that.
I think have rambled on long enough for now. Will try and post some pictures very soon. Thanks everyone for your prayers and support! God is good all the time, all the time God is good!
Yay Cheris! I was just looking at some different blogs and I was so glad that you posted another blog! I'm so sorry that I didn't get to comment sooner! I hope that you will be able to come and visit America sometime and we can go up north for a canoe trip or something. I miss you! Love you girl!
Hey girl!!
Its so nice to hear from you:)I miss everyone so much. Especially now that I'm getting married in June.Yep me, I'm getting married:D hehe And if all goes well, I'll be having a baby in December. It will be a nice early Christmas present. Hopefully you can come back to US sometime so we can all hang out!
I love you and I miss you!!!!
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